Jack Canfield, author of Chicken Soup for the Soul and The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be had this to say about Catherine's book A Cure of the Common Life: The Cardinal Rules of Self-Esteem:
"Catherine Cardinal distills over 20 years of wisdom gained from counseling real people into a delightful easy-to-read book that prepares the reader to move surely and confidently to joy and success"
And John Gray author of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus...
"Catherine Cardinal gives her readers the ability to change their lives by accessing their own wisdom. It is a rare gift!"
The book garnered the privilege of being on The Los Angeles Times Healthy Best Seller list for five weeks and The Bodhi Tree's best Seller list for four months!
A Cure For The Common Life: The Cardinal Rules of Self-Esteem is a small but deceptively powerful book that pinpoints 10 specific ways to recognize the root cause of common problems and, at the same time, determine a realistic course for improvement. Taking the steps to change can be an overwhelming struggle unless you become aware of the key issues that strengthen your self-esteem and empower you with the courage to break free from the old habits that hold you back. Written in a clear, thoughtful, all-embracing, heart-to-heart style, Catherine Cardinal, Ph.D.'s book gives you the confidence and support to finally take that giant leap – and change for your own good.
Click here to learn more about Catherine's coaching, one-on-one & phone sessions.
Attention Single Ladies (AND Men)!
Are you dating? How's that going for you? In these times where the 'rules' of dating are based on the latest pop fad, and the Internet sets the pace for meeting people, how do you know, REALLY know how to do it RIGHT?
Catherine Cardinal, Ph.D. CRC, is getting exceptional results in teaching women how to get what they want. Her skills are based on over 22 years of private practice and ladies, she CAN tell you what you are doing wrong and get you on track. She can help you sift through the profiles on the Internet and weed out the ones you don't want to waste your time on. And she can teach you how to know within one to two dates whether someone is full of BS or a true and real possibility.
There are SKILLS to dating and most women have not learned these skills. Catherine knows them and can help you improve your track record.
"I just completed a coaching series with Catherine on relationships and self-esteem. I thought that it would be about learning to pick better guys, and it was, but much more. My belief in myself and self-confidence is so much better and for the first time I can say I love and accept myself and feel more in charge of my future. This has helped at work, with my family and shows up in every area of my life. Thanks Catherine!"
V.M., Entrepreneur- Health Products
Seattle, WA
"If I could change one thing in my life, it would be to have seen Catherine Cardinal sooner. With her help I was able to move on from the past and live life with enthusiasm and optimism-a way of living that throughout the years I hadn't felt and unfortunately had forgotten existed."
K.M., Comedian
HEY FELLAS! There are skills for you, too!
Have you met the woman of your dreams? Are you an eligible, sincere guy and tired of having your heart broken? Let Catherine help you to recognize the women who are worth investing time and money on and those that are not. Save yourself some heartache—learn the skills!
Every man has a potential for inner and outer greatness. Catherine has seen how men can be stifled and stunted in their personal growth by being with the 'wrong' women, women who emasculate them by putting them down and draining their energy. She has helped many men get clear on their choices and discover their deepest sense of purpose and masculinity. She UNDERSTANDS men and what they need and can teach you to be more effective in every area of your life.
"I was a guy who just couldn't seem to get relationships right. I came to see Catherine while visiting a friend in LA, and was able to see her 5 times. She helped me to realize how my relationship with my father, which was rather dysfunctional, was influencing my choices in women. In our coaching session I was able to make some profound realizations and since then, have made much better choices in all of my relationships. I am now engaged to a wonderful woman! She has a deep understanding of men that I found very helpful."
C.R., Restaurateur
Tuscany, Italy
"I have been doing phone sessions with Catherine for 5 weeks now. She has helped me get more in touch with my masculinity and this has allowed me to see the issues I have had with picking women. I originally thought I would need to talk with a man to get results, but I took a chance with Catherine and am amazed at her understanding of the male psyche. I think that my choices will improve in all areas of my life based on what I am learning."
B.K., Music Production
Miami, FL